Picture Book Project Launched
I am RIN ARIKAWA – Chairman and President.
I want to Learn rather than Teach Children
I grew up in the countryside of Kyoto in Japan where there are ancient tombs and historic sites, with only Rice Paddy Fields around. Though now I am a Grown up Adult there are many things where the thoughts and Ideas or rather strange like a Child with Dreams.
When we look at children there are still situations where we feel that “This is How it Should Have Been” in the process of growing as an adult, where children absorb the movements and ideas like a Sponge and we often want to learn that feeling from the child.
This Time, the “Picture Book Project”has been Launched which was under preparation for a long time.
The Contents of the Project is as follows.
In the Picture Book Making Project, Children from all over the world create the story in a Relay System, using the Characters RIN&DArling.
These Stories created by children have Rich Ideas and hope for the future.
Having “SMILE Coin” is a Mythical Mystery to “Wish Will Come True”.
The Story Begins as RIN goes on adventure with her dog DArling searching for the Coin whatsoever for her big dream “Make the Earth Happy”
The stories spelled out and created by the sensitivity and Relay of each child from various countries is carefully accomplished to a beautiful picture book one by one using traditional hand printing technique in India.
The First Baton is chosen from Japan
A girl in the third grade of elementary school living in Setagaya Ward imposes her dreams of hope and begins her story thoughtfully and energetically.
Really Looking Forward to it.
Which is the Next country? Where?
Looking Forward Eagerly.
RINDA foundation admires the rich ideas of children and commercialize this valuable picture book and related goods with highly added value, and turn where wealth of the unbalanced world is needed, aiming to create a world where everyone can live a life of Ease.
In the end of March 2018, it’s expected to actually visit the Indian publishers.
【Official Character “RIN&DArling”】Rin Chan a Curious and Adventurous Girl and DArling her Doggy partner with a Friendly Heart.
The future envisioned by RIN Chan, the representative of “children”, is also the future that RINDA foundation visualizes.
Through various activities of RIN&DArling, RINDA foundation will lead to the future where children around the world can live healthy with a Smile.