About RINDA foundation JAPAN
RINDA foundation JAPAN is a non-profit organization CSO (Civil Society Organization). We aim for a Society with “Sustainable Equality for life of Ease” along with Business Partners in Japan & Abroad and Individuals who share our vision.
Our Motto “SMILE”
In order to achieve our vision, we promote “Health” and “Sustainability (virtuous circle)”as a policy to make people “SMILE”. “SMILE” does not mean just the facial expression “smile”.
SMILE=Sharing Miracle In Life Everyday
“SMILE” meaning is to make everyone “smile”, in this casual daily Life by each and every one of us bringing “wisdom” together with a “little caring” and “close feeling”.

Official Character "RIN&DArling"
Rin, a Curious and Adventurous Girl, and the Partner Doggy with a Friendly Heart DArling.
The future envisioned by RIN, the representative of “children”, is alsothe future that RINDA foundation JAPAN visualizes.
Through various activities of RIN&DArling, we will lead to the future where children around the world can live healthily with a Smile.

Our Beliefs
Numerous injustices and inequities have continuously existed on this earth; nobody can choose one’s own birthplace or has the equal environment to grow and live, forever. If we try to offset the gaps as a total, however, we should be able to establish social fairness, at least since birth. By joining our forces, the world we are facing can be changed before long, and, I believe that even a miracle of "Equality for Life of Ease" can be realized; which we have never thought of.

Our Vision
The wealth on the planet is said to be distributed to only 1% of the total population of the world, while many others suffer from poverty. Some are prejudiced or discriminated for various reasons, and cannot live in the way they prefer. Our hope is to create a world where everyone recognizes his/her values and lives true to him/herself. To that end, we will change the gaps in society to equality with new ideas by supporting happy work styles, and generating a circulation of comfortable-rich life.

Our Mission
We Focus on Three "E" to achieve our Vision.
1. EQUITY Sustainable Equality is to Promote, Equal Employment Opportunity, Income Generation and Human Rights of the Differently Abled, Women, Children, LGBTQ and All Equally without any Discrimination against Gender, Identity, Sex, Race, Nationality, Religion, Caste, Status, Origin, Location, Language, Age, etc.,
2. ECOLOGY Improve Hygiene and Sanitation, Support during Natural Disasters, Availability of Clean and Safe Water, Invest in Regenerative Medicine and Promotion of Organic Products. ※Activities and During Natural Disasters
3.EDUCATION Improve and Provide Basic Infrastructure, Creation of Effective Education System
※Focus and Contribution to the all Goals of SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goal’s).
(What is SDG’s)

Methodical basis to accomplish the vision

Efforts to realize vision
Two certification systems
RINDA foundation JAPAN aims to equalize social differences through granting two certification systems (“S = HxE (Equal SHE) Certification System” and “SMILE Certification System”) to various companies, products, and services.

SMILE Certification
A mechanism to circulate the happy wealth with new ideas
By purchasing the goods or services with the SMILE certification, part of the purchase price is allocated to the donation to the organization,services, or support-activities in need through RINDA foundation JAPAN.

S = HxE (Equal SHE) Certification
This supports happy work styles with new ideas.
In working environments, there are people who are forced to work unfairly for reasons such as gender, age, nationality, religion and individual orientations including LGBTQ.
S = HxE (Equal SHE) certification is a mechanism to help create an environment that allows everyone to work happily beyond various boundaries.
Official characters RIN&DArling

RIN is a nine-year-old girl filled with curiosity and DArling is a kind-hearted and knowing lovery dog who came wandering from the year 2100; they are products of the fun imagination of Rin Arikawa, the rep of the organization, and her staff members. RIN&DArling are the official characters of RINDA foundation JAPAN, and going to act in various projects all over the world.

RIN&DArling Picture Book Project
This is a project making a picture book by children all over the world by relay. This is one of the gifts from us, adults, to children who will lead thenext generation while keeping watch on them, and is an activity of“Education,” one of the three missions held up by RINDA foundation JAPAN.

RIN&DArling Manufacturing Project
There are many “Technologies” and “Things” in Japan as well as globally, whose values are not correctly evaluated and are hidden. We Through this “Manufacturing Project”, Notice good things for the immediate future, things with warmth, with taste, and Make an environment that can inherit excellent “Technology” and “Things” for the next generation and to Circulate wealth to those who appreciate technology properly and manufacture. RIN&DArling become the navigator and introduce the current situation of manufacturing around the world.